Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 Months

Wow!! Time truly does fly, even when you don't think that it does. I can't believe the twins are really this old. I survived 6 months and I am counting on Diane's wisdom in twinhood that after the first six months it gets a lot easier. Right now I am not so sure. They are both teething and are not sleeping well at all. Today Adrienne took one 1/2 hour nap on me and Sofia took one 1/2 hour nap on me (with Adrienne) and one 1/2 hour nap in the swing. I pray the night will go better, but I am not optimistic. This is probably not the best day to write about the twins because they have spent a fair amount of the day crying and I have spent the day not doing anything around my house that didn't directly involve babies. I must say that most days are much better. They giggle and smile and make me so glad that I am their mom. They are such sweet spirits. I love when they smile when I go to pick them up after their naps. I love watching them when Tori is playing with the. They look a little worried but generally end up laughing. They love their big sister. I can't wait for them to be big enough so that they can all play together. Until then, I will continue to love to watch them grow and enjoy their sweet spirits that have not been away from heaven very long. I love my girls!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Recent Pictures

I am new at blogging so some of these pictures are talked about in my post found below. I don't know how to attach more than five pictures to a post. Also, I don't know how to put labels on each picture. If you have answers, I would love it if you would add a comment for me!!! The picture of us at the table is what we look like when we are all gathered around for dinner. We are a crazy bunch!

Life Goes On

I have not posted in a little while because nothing too exciting has happened here. Trevor has finished his anatomy class and that is nice. We are down 10 weeks and have ? weeks left till graduation. Tori has learned how to write her name. I was impressed that I only had to show her twice how to write it before she did it herself. She is one smart little girl. She is also a pill. She has decided that she needs to choose her own outfits and that one is not enough for the day. Just about every time she goes upstairs I can expect her to come down in a different outfit. If I try to dress her in something she doesn't want to wear she throws a fit. I bought her a cute Halloween outfit (not to be confused with Halloween costume). I have to fight her every time to get her to wear it. I have to show her that even though it is not pink or frilly, it does have hearts on it and bows on the pants. She needs to wear it lots since Halloween is not too far away. The twins are continuing to get big. Sofia has rolled over a handful of times, but Adrienne is content to stay in one place. They both can sit for a little while, even though sometimes it is bent over in half. I can't get over how big they are getting. Tori is getting to be a better help. She will give Sofia her pacifier and put bottles back in the fridge or in the sink for me. We still unfortunately have the occasional eye poking, but she's two. We have only been in our house for three months and have rearranged rooms. We put all three girls in the same room. We'll see how this goes. We moved Tori's toys downstairs so she can play without me worrying about what trouble she is getting into upstairs. We now have an office/guest room so that company does not have to sleep in Tori's room. I have posted a few pictures. We decorated cookies recently. I'll let you guess which one was Tori's.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What Normal People Do

In case you did not know it, apparently we are "normal people". We went to a picnic put on by Trevor's class. Of course when we go to a picnic it involves packing up all our girls, bags, and strollers and such. We brought along a salad and some cookies for dessert to contribute. One of Trevor's classmates came up to me and told me how much she loved our babies. Later I started putting the salad together and she came up to me and said, "You guys are so cute. You are so normal." I am sure that she has no idea what this "normal" family does. This last week this normal family all survived the plague. Okay, it was just a cold, but from my point of view it could have been the plague and it wouldn't have been much worse. The twins and I came down with all the cold symptoms the same night. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep. The next day I felt terrible and the twins were incredibly whiny, with good reason. Tori wanted to climb all over me, and I was achy and wanted to die. I will admit that Tori watched 2-3 movies that day. I am not proud of it but I was in survival mode. Luckily that day was the worst for me. That night I started feeling a little better. Unfortunately, Tori started to feel worse. She ended up sleeping in our bed. I am sure many people know what kind of night that was. Luckily we are all on the mend, which is a very good thing because we all ran a 5k this morning. We showed up a little late and missed the start by about a minute. We ran it in 35:00 min., which I was happy with since this was the first time that Trevor or I have run 3 miles since the twins birth, and we both pushed strollers. I am just sorry that we didn't get any pictures of us because I am sure that we were quite the site, especially after running. After running we came home and were blessed to watch conference. When Pres. Monson started speaking I felt the spirit fill our home. I am so thankful for a living prophet. As the day went on I started to dread the evening though because I knew that Trevor was going to leave me and I was going to be alone with 3 kids during their worst hours, right before bedtime. I think that the Lord knew that I was not thrilled that Trevor was leaving me. He wanted to show me the importance of the priesthood session and have me appreciate a husband that was doing what he was supposed to do, so he gave me angel children. I was able to bathe all the girls and have all the girls down by 8:15!!! It was a conference miracle. It may sound silly, but these are the kind of things that really build my testimony. Now you know what normal people do, and perhaps you qualify too.