Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween fun for everyone!

Last night we had the joy of taking all 4 of our girls trick-or-treating. I know that Olivia didn't get anything out of it, but since we bought a costume for her that went with our theme we had to take her out and show her off so that I could feel that we got our money's worth. I must say that they all looked really cute. We decided to take them just around the townhouses where we live, which didn't end up being many houses because the only people with their lights on were the mormon students. I think the best part for the kids is that they got to run around outside. By the time we got home, Sofia had dumped all of her candy out. The only thing she had was a sucker that someone placed in her hand. Since Sofia had started eating her sucker, wrapper and all, we decided to let her finish it and gave Adrienne a sucker too. Tori did not get to eat any candy that night because she was a pill and did not eat her dinner. Even without having any candy that night, I think Tori had a great time. It is fun to have kids young enough that you can dress them how you want without worrying too much about their opinions. Hope you all had a great Halloween too!!Cutest cat ever!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 after a fun night running amok.

Waiting to say trick-or-treat
Sofia running and having the time of her life.

Here are the stragglers, trying to catch up with the rest.

The Cat in the Hat, minus the hat. (She got "too hot.")

Here they all come!
Olivia enjoying her night of trick-or-treating. Her costume kept her nice and warm.

Happy little girls (and Daddy)! Need I say more?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where did the time go?

I can't believe how fast time goes by. Olivia is already two months old and the twins are 18 months old. YEAH! Life at our house has been interesting lately. My brother, Kyle, came out for a quick visit this last weekend. He came at the perfect time for us. Kyle arrived Friday night, and Saturday morning Adrienne had a high temp. and we decided to take her to the urgent care center. They did a rapid flu test and it came back positive for H1N1. Trevor needed to get her prescription filled and I had to work. Kyle stayed home with our sleeping girls and took care of Olivia while Trevor went out to get Adrienne's medicine. On Saturday Adrienne was wiped out. I have never seen a little girl be so still. Luckily, the medicine worked rather well. She now seems like she was never sick and is back to pestering Sofia and pulling Sofia and Tori's hair. Kyle had to leave on Sunday night, and unfortunately we didn't have time to do much. It was really nice just to spend time with him and to show Olivia off. My girls love Kyle because he does lots of fun things with them. He even let Tori use Halloween face paints to turn him into a tiger.

I am excited for Halloween to turn our girls into characters from The Cat in the Hat. After Diane sent us Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes, I decided that Tori needed to be the cat and Olivia needed to be the gold fish. I will post pictures some time after Halloween. I also like to buy my girls Halloween outfits. I don't know why, but I just think they are cute. Now of course, I need to post a bunch of random pictures for grandmas and others. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
This is the first picture that I took of only my girls. I didn't want to bore you with many pictures of this, but let's just say that this pose was short lasting.
Our good friends from Omaha stopped to visit us on their way down to Alabama. Tori and Jacob have lots and fun together and it was really fun to spend some time with them. We were also able to see their baby girl. We look forward to seeing them in Alabama sometime.
This is Kyle painted to be a tiger. Tori took a picture with her camera before Trevor took this one. Before Tori took her picture, she told Kyle, "Say roar." Trevor asked Kyle to say the same thing for this picture.
This is a very random picture, but I thought it was too cute. Trevor was practicing for a neurology exam using these tools on the girls, and Adrienne thought that she would try it as well.
Cute girls is their Halloween outfits. I was not able to get a really good picture of all 4.
Tori loves Olivia and can get big smiles from her.

Tori and Olivia sporting their Halloween cosutmes. Olivia looks like she is being swallowed by a fish.
I think that Olivia is my smiliest baby yet. I was thrilled to catch some of her smiles on camera today. Just so that you know, I know that the pink pants don't really go with the outfit. They are the only plain pants I had. If she doesn't wear the Halloween socks it doesn't look so bad.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, Olivia has been home for almost a month and we are still adjusting to life with a new baby. We had a crazy start to life with 4. Shortly after coming home, my 3 oldest became ill with fevers and runny noses. They were all pretty miserable, needy, and clingy. I was very thankful that my mom and grandma were there to help me. Luckily, by the time my mom and grandma left, my kids were feeling much better. I was a little worried at how life was going to go after my help left, but I must say that it is going a little better than I thought it would. I think part of this is because my last adjustment from 1 to 3 was so hard that adding just one more doesn't seem quite so bad. My house is not as clean as it was before Olivia, but it is still livable and I am staying up on all the important things. I have even managed to take all 4 to the doctor's office last Tuesday so that we could get an antibiotic for Adrienne's ear infection. I was very glad that they all behaved quite nicely so the only looks I got were, "How cute" and "They are all so young" but not "That mother can't handle her kids at all. What was she thinking having so many so close." Tori has started preschool and she absolutely loves it!! She is so excited every day to tell me what she learned. I am very grateful for a friend that has taken Tori along with her daughter to preschool. It's nice that I don't have to pack up all my girls to get Tori there at 9 a.m. Life is going as well as can be expected. I am thankful for all of my beautiful girls and for a wonderful husband that lives in this very girly house.

These are a bunch of random pictures from this past month. Sorry there are so many. It's too hard to decide on one or two to represent a month full of so much!
Olivia in her take home outfit at the hospital right before we left.
Tori holding Olivia the day she came home. Tori had just returned from swimming.
Olivia's first bath.
Great Grandma Bohman with Olivia.
Sofia figuring out what this new baby sister is all about.
A zoo trip with Grandma Kobe and Grandma Bohman
Enjoying outdoors at the botanical gardens. The girls loved the water. Olivia loved the nap.
4 generations of girls with their babies.
Adrienne ate(?) a chocolate cookie, or at least ate what she didn't spread all over her face and hair. When Trevor got home I asked him to smell her hair. He noticed that she smelled like chocolate.
A common scene around our house. They all love to dance. Tori loves her dresses, and Sofia loves her shoes. She is pretty good in heels, but not just heels. Heels that are almost twice as long as her feet. Now that is talent!
Olivia's first day at church. She is wearing booties that Grandma Kobe made after a little begging. I must say that they are adorable. Thanks mom!!!
Tori's first day of preschool. This is the best picture I could get and I could only get this one after bribing her with fruit snacks. She doesn't like to have her picture taken.
Tori loves Olivia. Sometimes her love is a little much for Olivia.

Olivia in cute clothes Grandma Smith sent. This little girl is very loved.

Monday, August 24, 2009

23 Aug 2009. . .Finally!

Well. . . She’s here!  Olivia Louise Smith was born on 23 Aug 2009 at 9:57 pm, weighing 7 lbs 8.5 oz, and measuring 21 1/4 inches in length. She came 5 days past her due date, but we are grateful that she is here. Elise and Olivia are both doing well and they are scheduled to arrive home tomorrow morning ~9:30 am. Elise started having strong, intermittent contractions during church around 1 pm. She left church early to meet her Mom and Grandma who drove from Utah on Sat and Sun. Luckily they arrived at 2:30 pm. At 5 pm Elise and I were off to the hospital because her contractions were pretty steady and very uncomfortable. Thanks to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers in our behalf. We are grateful for our beautiful, healthy new addition.

DSC01435 Peek-a-boo

DSC01438 7 lbs 8.5 oz

DSC01439 Proud Daddy

DSC01460 Proud Mommy

DSC01468 Proud Big Sister

DSC01445 Proud Grandma

DSC01476 All the Girls Together

DSC01465 All Stretched Out

DSC01481 Eyes Wide Open

DSC01490 Tori at the “Hospital”

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Success! We went in on Friday for an external cephalic version. We got there at 8:00 and were told that we would start at 9:00. However, since our procedure was an elective one and because there was not urgent need to start, we didn't get started on the actual procedure until 11:00. After getting checked in, and having my IV started, we waited and waited. Finally, my Dr., a resident, 2 med students, my nurse, and a nursing student all came for the procedure. They gave me my drugs and immediately started to turn our baby. The first time they tried the drugs had not started to work yet, and I must say it hurt quite a lot. I kept tensing up the muscles in my stomach and holding my breath, both which did not help the first attempt. The second time they tried to flip her in the other direction. It didn't hurt quite as much, but they barely moved her back to her original breech position. The third time however, was the charm. The drugs had taken their full effect, and things felt much better. Trevor said it looked crazy to see my belly change into all these different positions while they moved her around. We did an ultrasound at the end and she was perfectly situated in my belly. We monitered her for an hour after and she looks great! I am praying she stays so that I can have a v-bac. Thanks for all your prayers on our behalf. Now we are just waiting for this little one to come on out! We'll update you more later.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Update

Today I had an ultrasound and confirmed what Trevor and I were suspecting: the fact the miss Olivia is breech. Luckily I still have 4 more weeks till my due date. However, we are planning to do an external cephalic version on July 31st in case she hasn't turned by then. This entails my doctor giving me some terbutaline (to relax my uterus) and some fentanyl (to help it feel better) and trying to push on my belly to rotate our baby into a vertex position. We are really hoping that she will turn because I am not wanting all my subsequent deliveries to be c-section. In the meanwhile, I am trying some other methods I have read about that are supposed to motivate her to turn. We'll see how it goes. Wish us luck!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Remember Us?

Well, I keep hearing people tell me that occasionally they look at my blog and nothing has been done on it for quite some time. It's not that we haven't had things going on, when don't you have things going on when you have three kids, but I just haven't had the motivation to use my "free" time updating my blog. Since I have last posted the twins turned 1!! It was a fun birthday that we shared with Grandma Smith and Grammy (Trevor's grandma). The girls performed as expected with their cupcakes (unlike Tori who just cried and would not touch it). They were a mess and adorable. I am going to post a bunch of random pictures with this entry because if I were to write about each picture you might end up reading a small novel, and the pictures are too cute not to share, at least I think so.

The next big thing for our family was a trip to Utah. It was a long two day drive, but worth it. We are so lucky to have great friends in Denver who allowed us to stay with them, and even made dinner for us! Thanks Spendloves! In Utah we had lots of fun with family even though we really didn't do that much. It is just nice to talk face to face and play games and such. Unfortunately, Erin (my sister-in-law), broke her leg while we were out. I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I would have liked and this also limited our activities. My other sister-in-law, Katie and I however, got to spend lots of quality time together taking care a many small children. Katie is amazing and made dinner and lunch every day. It was a crazy time, but I am glad that Katie and I got to enjoy(?) it together. I love to see family!! It was just too short.

While I was in Morgan helping run Kobe daycare, Trevor took Tori down to Orem to visit his family for a couple of days until I could join him. Trevor was able to take Tori to the open house for the Oquirrh (sp?) Temple. I wish I could've been there because Tori loves temples. I am sure that they had a great time. Tori had a great time with all her cousins. We were also in town for Cameron's birthday party. He is a cute little guy and it was fun to watch him devour his cake. That little man can really eat!!

Now we are back in St. Louis and have recently moved. We love love love our new place. Carpet is a wonderful thing. I also love my kitchen that is not a hall way. I will post pictures of our place later. We love living close to people. Tori is close to her little friend and they have already gotten together a few times. They are very cute together. We also got Tori a bike and she has lots of parking lot to ride in. She has gotten pretty good and loves to go out any minute she can.

Sorry for the long post and all the pictures. I will try and stay more up to date so that I don't have to write so much next time. I will probably write more as we get closer to the arrival of Olivia. Only 4 more weeks to go!! CRAZY!! I can't believe that we will have four. Fun times!