Friday, February 20, 2009

Tori Stories

I am sorry but there are no pictures this post. Tori still amazes me with all she does. She is now back to wanting to say every prayer that needs to be said. Her prayers now tend to crack me up. I often have to try hard not to laugh. The body of her night time prayers go something like this, "Please bless mommy and daddy and Sofia and Adrienne. Please bless Tori. (She then repeats this 2 or 3 times). Please bless our lunch. Tori did not finish her lunch, because she spit. (She often spits out her food when she is done or causes herself to gag so that she can get out of eating. She always reports back on how well she did with dinner. If she ate it all, she will report that she did.) She then goes on and ends her prayer. Trevor and I have huge grins on our faces when she is done. She also is picking up on all the adjectives we use to describe her. Recently when I was on the phone with my mom, she came up to me out of the blue and told me, "Mom, I am a crack up." This is all too true. Lastly, I am very impressed with how well she learns new things. On Wed. night we were doing FHE (because I work Mon and Tues) we started to teach her the sixth article of faith. We sang it a few times last night, and tonight on the way home from dinner we played the song on repeat. When we came inside I sang it once more and Tori then sang it perfectly (not counting the words she doesn't quite understand and mumbles). I don't know how she does it, but I am constantly amazed.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Tori

I can't believe that I am the mother of a 3 year old! Time flies. Her birthday was on the 13th, but I am a little slow on this post. She is an amazing girl. She is smart and always keeps me on my toes. The day before her third birthday she learned the fifth article of faith. She knows 1-5 and can sing them perfectly. I love to her the way she pronounces some of the harder words. She knows we are so proud of her. The first time she sang it to me without any help she asked, "Mom, are you happy?" I was ecstatic! She loves to make me happy. I think she had a good birthday even though some of the time I don't think she knew that her birthday really was here. I kept telling her happy birthday and she would say, "Yes. My birthday is in one day." I was afraid she would wake up the next day and think it was her birthday. I think that the blowing out of the candles is what made the day real in her mind. After we sang, she blew out the candles in one blow. It helps she has been practicing pretty much every day for a long time. After she blew them out she had so much fun that she asked if she could do it again. Since she would have another year to wait for this opportunity to arise again, we lit the candles again, sang, and she blew out the candles once more. She loved it. She didn't eat any cake that night, because she doesn't like cake (so I made a cake that I really like), but she had a memorable night anyway. She loved all her presents and was spoiled. She deserves to be spoiled every now and then though. She really is a sweet girl that brings me endless amounts of joy. As my dad would say, she makes my heart sing. Happy Birthday Tori! We are so lucky to have you and look forward to another year with great memories.
Tori opened most of her presents in the morning before Trevor left for school. I was glad we opened them early because she spent most of the day playing with her new toys.
I love this picture because it shows how excited she was to have candles on her cake. She couldn't wait to blow them out!
Preparing to blow out the candles.
Finally her moment has come! I must admit this is the second time she blew them out because I didn't catch the first time on film. The first time looked much like the second.
Tori's new floor puzzle. She has really enjoyed putting it together numerous times with help. Trevor and I realize it is quite the job teaching a 3 year old how to do a big puzzle on her own. At the rate she is going (doing it numerous times a day), I am sure she will figure it out.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Busy Week

Last week was a busy, but good week. First comes the baby information. I want to start out by answering a few questions asked by Diane. You see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much......just kidding. Anyway, here is more info. On Tuesday I had my first doctors appt. I am not sure why, but I could not sleep at all the night before. I had many short, weird dreams. It was fun to get my due date and see our baby. It is so amazing to me that I can grow a baby. I was informed that I was 12 weeks along exactly and that my due date is August 18. We are very excited. I showed Tori the picture and she said that it is a picture of her baby brother. She also tells me that she loves her baby brother in my tummy. We'll see if she's on to something. On Wed. I had a job interview with Dental Care for Kids. They are predominately a medicaid clinic and hire part-time dentists as well as full-time. My interview went really well and I will be starting on Feb. 16. I will be working Mon. and Tues. from 5-8 p.m. and Sat. from 12-5p.m. I am really happy about these hours. For the next year Trevor will be able to be with our kids so we won't have to get a babysitter. YEAH! They also pay hourly so I know how much I will get each month and they pay for my malpractice insurance. I feel very blessed to have found this job. Life is good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009