I don't have anything too special to blog about, but since it has been so long I will give a short update on our little family.
Trevor is finishing up his family medicine rotation this Friday. I think he has enjoyed this rotation, but does not care to go into this field of medicine. The hours have been dynamite!! The clinic's hours are 8-4 and he is almost always home around 5. He has also had about 4 snow days this block. It has been a nice six weeks. His next rotation in OB/GYN. He will be on this rotation right before I have our baby, so hopefully he can butter up the nurses so that we can get some special treatment.
Tori is getting too big. She will be 5 on the 13th. She can be such a big helper when she wants to be. She has been learning how to read and is doing pretty well. She loves preschool and loves anything and everything princess. She is also taking a ballet/tap dance class. She does pretty well. She is a coordinated little girl. She is very sweet and loves to cuddle sometimes. She is always full of sweet compliments, which can be desperately needed by her ever growing pregnant mom.
Sofia recently has become a bit of a fireball. She can be so sweet, but she has also developed a very independent, sometimes not so pretty side. On the bright side, it looks like we finally are going to have her potty trained. I think she finally got jealous enough of Tori and Adrienne's panties. Hooray for sibling rivalry!! Sofia is also Tori's shadow. She wants to do everything that Tori does and they are great buddies.
Adrienne is my sweet girl who often marches to the beat of a different drummer. She loves to cuddle and always has since she was a baby. I will never get tired of this I am sure. She is very stubborn and will do what she wants, when she wants. When it comes time to clean up, if she doesn't want to help, no amount of bribing will do. She reminds me of my brother Kyle. She is usually very happy and even tempered, but has little desire to help clean and she is fine to sit in timeout while the others do the work. (Kyle used to pay me to do his chores when he didn't want to do them).
Olivia has almost reached that magical age where she can now go to nursery. It will be the first time since the twins were born (almost 3 years ago) that I will not have a baby with me through all of church (but only for 2 months). She tries so hard to do everything her sisters do. She loves to laugh and loves Adrienne more than any other person (other than mom). She has started saying a lot more words and does some pretty darn cute animal noises. My favorite is her pig noise. She does a great snort!
Lastly, an update on me. I am 32 weeks pregnant and am feeling big and uncomfortable. We are having our first boy and are very excited. His name will be Reed Lawrence Smith. He has become very active lately and is starting to move under my ribs. I must say that I am getting excited for this little one to come in a couple of months. I am also still working part-time at Dental Care for Kids. I love the other dentists that I work with. I don't have any problems getting days off when I need them and they are just nice people. My Saturdays have gone from slow to crazy busy now that we see walk-ins. Saturday hours are 10-4 with no lunch. Last Saturday I saw 24 patients by myself! It sometimes flies by, but not having a break in the middle makes it seem like the day is much longer than it is. At least I don't have to be gone as long from my family.
Overall, I must say that we are doing GREAT!! I love our little family and couldn't be happier doing anything else.