Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tori Stories

I know I just posted something new last night, but Tori has said a few funny things that I don't want to forget. Sofia the other day was crying (okay, who am I kidding. She cries every day more than any one else in this house, with me coming in a close second. Just kidding). Tori came over, put her hand over her mouth and said, "Sofia, stop whining." This is a statement said too many times during the day to count. Tori has recently learned that what daddy says or mommy says goes. She can't play one against the other. She asked me today, "Mom, can I have ice in my cup?" Right after she followed with, "What does daddy say?". Of course I then asked her, "What does daddy say?". She replied, "Daddy says no ice in your cup." Smart girl. Tori has also taken up trickery. I was sitting in a rocking chair up in the twins room. She came in after going potty and said, "Mom, I tinkled on the floor." I ran in to see what the mess was. Well, there was no mess. I returned to the twins room to find Tori sitting in my chair happily reading a book. Another time, just minutes ago, Tori came into the computer room and said, "Mom, I woke Sofia up. She is not sleeping. Go see." I went out to check on Sofia while Tori jumped on my chair next to the computer ready to push buttons. Sofia was still asleep, thank heavens, and I returned just in time to keep her from ruining my current entry. What a con artist!!!


ourbanksaccount said...

Elise, I am so happy you have a blog... your family is beautiful!!!

Cheryl said...

Your pictures are so cute. I'm already looking forward to more "Tori Stories". Sounds like you're having fun!

KayLynn said...

She is sneaky! How do they learn these things? By the way I am so excited to see you blog!!!