Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

This was Tori's third Halloween and most fun. It doesn't hurt that she is a little older than last year. Tori was Alice the Fairy this year. Since most people don't know who she is, we told them she was a fairy princess. She was the most beautiful princess ever!! Unfortunately her makeup artist failed her, but she luckily is cute enough to pull off any look. The makeup we bought had a great picture on it, but try as I might, I didn't even come close to duplicating that look. I don't know that it was possible. Oh, well. It's another thing that Tori can look back on when she is older and say, "Mom, what did you do? You are not as artistic as many other mothers." On the bright side, she will have many funny stories and pictures to look back on. We bought the twins little onesies that were white with eyes and a mouth on it so that they would be ghosts. But the day before halloween we went to a party and they wore them. So, we decided that they would be fairy princesses like Tori. We put them in onesies from Disneyland that had pink tutus (sp?) sewn on them (thanks Diane). We put pink tights on them and little white shoes and they were ready. The night was warm enough that none of us needed coats. When people would open their door to Tori, most of the time she would say "Happy Halloween!" Trevor would then prompt her to say, "Trick or treat." Some people wanted tricks so she would jump for them. She looked so cute all dressed up jumping. I was glad that we had all decided to take Tori trick or treating because it was too cute of a moment to miss. I know I have said this before, but I really love my girls!
P.S. We didn't pass out any candy and we bought lots. So when you see us later and we look a little bigger, you'll know why.


Mandi and Adam said...

Cute girls and cute costumes. I wouldn't have even noticed the makeup job had you not said anything. She looks cute no matter what. We will be eating Halloween candy for months to come too.

Diane said...

They are adorable. Anna and Lauren wore the same outfits for their costumes last year. I think they are perfect. I will save the Thing one and Thing two for you for next year if you want it. You certainly don't have to. I copied it off an idea on the internet. They were a total crack up. I love looking at your pictures. Are you surviving?

Kobe Family said...

watch out! Next year she'll want to be the blob, a vampire or worse, Barak Obama! Enjoy the princess while it lasts! I did like doing something else this year with Erin though, I have to admit!

Norris Fam said...

I think we're ALL going to start looking bigger after Halloween and we're going to spend lots of $$ at the dentist to! Yikes :)

Kobe Family said...

Shannon thinks that tori's costume is "boo-ful" and she wishes that she could go to tori's house tomorrow!

Spendloves said...

Fun times! I can't believe how big the twins are getting! We miss you guys! FYI, we're probably heading out to visit Josh's brother in KC at the end of June next year, so if you're around maybe we could meet up somewhere in MO!

Krista said...

What a cute little fairy! I can't believe how big she is getting!! Can we come visit you guys? Let us know when it's a good time. (then I can finally return your book!)