Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Brother?


Darlene said...

How far along are you?

Diane said...

WHAT??? How???? When???? Just kidding I don't want the details. Elise, I am tired already for you. I am thinking a housekeeper should be on the books for you. That is very exciting though.

Norris Fam said...

Wowza! You are going to be one busy mama (as if you aren't already). But you get a huge CONGRATULATIONS from us! Nothing better (in my mind) than a house full of happy little ones :)

amber said...

That is crazy good news!

Spendloves said...

Wow! You guys are seriously so FERTILE! Be careful! Just kidding...congratulations....I can't imagine any more at this are soooo brave!

Krista said...

I was wondering when you guys were going to get pregnant again. It's been like 8 months already, geez! We have our delivery date scheduled for March 4th. We don't know the gender so we're pretty excited to find out!! :) Hope you are feeling well.

belliesue said...

You just went to the top of my Bravest People List! That's awesome news. Your girls are so bright and cute. Fun times! Kellie E.