Monday, August 24, 2009

23 Aug 2009. . .Finally!

Well. . . She’s here!  Olivia Louise Smith was born on 23 Aug 2009 at 9:57 pm, weighing 7 lbs 8.5 oz, and measuring 21 1/4 inches in length. She came 5 days past her due date, but we are grateful that she is here. Elise and Olivia are both doing well and they are scheduled to arrive home tomorrow morning ~9:30 am. Elise started having strong, intermittent contractions during church around 1 pm. She left church early to meet her Mom and Grandma who drove from Utah on Sat and Sun. Luckily they arrived at 2:30 pm. At 5 pm Elise and I were off to the hospital because her contractions were pretty steady and very uncomfortable. Thanks to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers in our behalf. We are grateful for our beautiful, healthy new addition.

DSC01435 Peek-a-boo

DSC01438 7 lbs 8.5 oz

DSC01439 Proud Daddy

DSC01460 Proud Mommy

DSC01468 Proud Big Sister

DSC01445 Proud Grandma

DSC01476 All the Girls Together

DSC01465 All Stretched Out

DSC01481 Eyes Wide Open

DSC01490 Tori at the “Hospital”


Cali and Brett Smith said...

Yeah! Thanks for the pictures so quick. I cant wait to meet her.

KayLynn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is beautiful. Don't we just love little girls. (On the days that you feel like ripping your hair out watch Disney's remake of Annie and the song little girls. it is the same song as on the first one, but Mrs. Hannigan is not totally drunk.) Congrats again!

Stilsons said...

Congrats!!! You guys are amazing. We are so excited for you. Glad everyone is doing well.

Norris Fam said...

One HUMONGOUS CONGRATULATIONS from the Norris family! She is beautiful!

Kobe Family said...

It's about time, Olivia! But you're cute enough; all's forgiven! Elise, again I'll say, you're my hero!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations! Your pictures are so cute!

Spendloves said...

Congrats! She is beautiful, but I have no idea who she looks like. I can't believe you guys have 4! And to think we had Shelby only 8 months after you had Tori...

amber said...

What a cute cute family you have! Nice work.

Ashley and Nate said...

How perfect! Huge congratulations on the new little Olivia. Trevor and the girls are lucky to have such an outstanding momma! Good luck transitioning to 4!

Amy said...

I love it! You have such a cute little family...just imagine all those hormones in a few years....aaaah! Having a baby is such a special time...enjoy every minute of it. You are a cute mama!