In case you did not know it, apparently we are "normal people". We went to a picnic put on by Trevor's class. Of course when we go to a picnic it involves packing up all our girls, bags, and strollers and such. We brought along a salad and some cookies for dessert to contribute. One of Trevor's classmates came up to me and told me how much she loved our babies. Later I started putting the salad together and she came up to me and said, "You guys are so cute. You are so normal." I am sure that she has no idea what this "normal" family does. This last week this normal family all survived the plague. Okay, it was just a cold, but from my point of view it could have been the plague and it wouldn't have been much worse. The twins and I came down with all the cold symptoms the same night. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep. The next day I felt terrible and the twins were incredibly whiny, with good reason. Tori wanted to climb all over me, and I was achy and wanted to die. I will admit that Tori watched 2-3 movies that day. I am not proud of it but I was in survival mode. Luckily that day was the worst for me. That night I started feeling a little better. Unfortunately, Tori started to feel worse. She ended up sleeping in our bed. I am sure many people know what kind of night that was. Luckily we are all on the mend, which is a very good thing because we all ran a 5k this morning. We showed up a little late and missed the start by about a minute. We ran it in 35:00 min., which I was happy with since this was the first time that Trevor or I have run 3 miles since the twins birth, and we both pushed strollers. I am just sorry that we didn't get any pictures of us because I am sure that we were quite the site, especially after running. After running we came home and were blessed to watch conference. When Pres. Monson started speaking I felt the spirit fill our home. I am so thankful for a living prophet. As the day went on I started to dread the evening though because I knew that Trevor was going to leave me and I was going to be alone with 3 kids during their worst hours, right before bedtime. I think that the Lord knew that I was not thrilled that Trevor was leaving me. He wanted to show me the importance of the priesthood session and have me appreciate a husband that was doing what he was supposed to do, so he gave me angel children. I was able to bathe
all the girls and have
all the girls down by
8:15!!! It was a conference miracle. It may sound silly, but these are the kind of things that really build my testimony. Now you know what normal people do, and perhaps you qualify too.