Saturday, October 4, 2008

What Normal People Do

In case you did not know it, apparently we are "normal people". We went to a picnic put on by Trevor's class. Of course when we go to a picnic it involves packing up all our girls, bags, and strollers and such. We brought along a salad and some cookies for dessert to contribute. One of Trevor's classmates came up to me and told me how much she loved our babies. Later I started putting the salad together and she came up to me and said, "You guys are so cute. You are so normal." I am sure that she has no idea what this "normal" family does. This last week this normal family all survived the plague. Okay, it was just a cold, but from my point of view it could have been the plague and it wouldn't have been much worse. The twins and I came down with all the cold symptoms the same night. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep. The next day I felt terrible and the twins were incredibly whiny, with good reason. Tori wanted to climb all over me, and I was achy and wanted to die. I will admit that Tori watched 2-3 movies that day. I am not proud of it but I was in survival mode. Luckily that day was the worst for me. That night I started feeling a little better. Unfortunately, Tori started to feel worse. She ended up sleeping in our bed. I am sure many people know what kind of night that was. Luckily we are all on the mend, which is a very good thing because we all ran a 5k this morning. We showed up a little late and missed the start by about a minute. We ran it in 35:00 min., which I was happy with since this was the first time that Trevor or I have run 3 miles since the twins birth, and we both pushed strollers. I am just sorry that we didn't get any pictures of us because I am sure that we were quite the site, especially after running. After running we came home and were blessed to watch conference. When Pres. Monson started speaking I felt the spirit fill our home. I am so thankful for a living prophet. As the day went on I started to dread the evening though because I knew that Trevor was going to leave me and I was going to be alone with 3 kids during their worst hours, right before bedtime. I think that the Lord knew that I was not thrilled that Trevor was leaving me. He wanted to show me the importance of the priesthood session and have me appreciate a husband that was doing what he was supposed to do, so he gave me angel children. I was able to bathe all the girls and have all the girls down by 8:15!!! It was a conference miracle. It may sound silly, but these are the kind of things that really build my testimony. Now you know what normal people do, and perhaps you qualify too.


Norris Fam said...

Hey...If I were you I'd be glad she didn't say you were AB-normal. That would have been way worse and you may have kicked her in the rear right there :)

Glad you're feeling better!

Mandi and Adam said...

You don't sound normal to me. I think you sound like supermom! I'm amazed that you could get all three kids in the bath and in bed before 8:15. I didn't even attempt to do bedtime by myself on Saturday night; I just went to Mom's house. Our kiddos have been sick too and it's no fun. It's so sad when they're so young that you can't really do anything for them. We love you. Tell everyone hi!

Diane said...

I love reading your blog. I SWEAR to you that it gets easier. Isn't going anywhere the hardest part. I just stay home many times because it is not worth the hassle. Way to go on the 5k. I'm totally impressed.