Friday, February 20, 2009

Tori Stories

I am sorry but there are no pictures this post. Tori still amazes me with all she does. She is now back to wanting to say every prayer that needs to be said. Her prayers now tend to crack me up. I often have to try hard not to laugh. The body of her night time prayers go something like this, "Please bless mommy and daddy and Sofia and Adrienne. Please bless Tori. (She then repeats this 2 or 3 times). Please bless our lunch. Tori did not finish her lunch, because she spit. (She often spits out her food when she is done or causes herself to gag so that she can get out of eating. She always reports back on how well she did with dinner. If she ate it all, she will report that she did.) She then goes on and ends her prayer. Trevor and I have huge grins on our faces when she is done. She also is picking up on all the adjectives we use to describe her. Recently when I was on the phone with my mom, she came up to me out of the blue and told me, "Mom, I am a crack up." This is all too true. Lastly, I am very impressed with how well she learns new things. On Wed. night we were doing FHE (because I work Mon and Tues) we started to teach her the sixth article of faith. We sang it a few times last night, and tonight on the way home from dinner we played the song on repeat. When we came inside I sang it once more and Tori then sang it perfectly (not counting the words she doesn't quite understand and mumbles). I don't know how she does it, but I am constantly amazed.


Amy said...

It is so fun to see and hear the world through little kids eyes and ears. They are so innocent! Tori sounds like such a cutie.

Kobe Family said...

Shannon wants me to say hi and that "my friend is Tori"! 'Nough said I guess. Gotta love the 3yr old prayers.

Jeannette said...

Hey there! I am glad you found my blog and now I can see yours. Holy cow you are pregnant with #4!?! Congrats. Wasn't Tori just born? I know she is 3 now but it really seems like it was not long ago! That would be great if you guys did come to Memphis for a visit, we would like to see you guys!