Sunday, March 1, 2009

Inactive Status

Well, I am afraid probably many members of our ward think we are going inactive. Our kids have taken turns getting sick and we have had the privilege of taking turns staying home. Today, we are both home with kids because Tori is sick with a fever and at 5:30 this morning Adrienne vomited all over me. The joy of kids! Everyone seems to be doing a little better now, but we did not want to take the chance of spreading our joy to everyone else. Tori is currently watching Legacy for the second time. The first time she kept asking us to turn it off. After it ended she begged us to watch it again. I think she wanted to watch it again for the angel Moroni and unfortunately also for the fighting. Oh, well. At least it is a church video. One day we are going to have all well children, I hope. Life is going well anyway. We are enjoying the time we have been able to spend together as a family.


amber said...

That is a positive way to look at it! Nice work.

Amy said...

Bummer! Puke is not so fun. If one person gets it, it just makes it's way through the family somehow. Sorry! Oh well, sometimes a break from church for legitimate reasons is A OK!

Spendloves said...

I hope you guys feel better! Don't worry about your inactive status. I think we've been to church twice since the New Year because of all the same sickness and illnesses! At least you're watching church movies to compensate, right?

Krista said...

That's always so hard to have sick kids. I hope you all feel better!